
May Extravaganza
May 2 @ 12:00 pm – May 4 @ 5:00 pm

Look at what you missed….

Do You Have the Edge? Every Author Needs One!

Are you ready for 3 amazing days that will change your authoring life?

Over THREE incredible, high content delivering days, you will be working with amazing book marketing strategists, publicists, Internet gurus, mobile marketing geniuses, audio and video pioneers … all done in an intense workshop environment … Block the dates on your calendar and register now for THREE days that will turn you and your book into creating the edge that you both need. Keynotes are Guy Kawasaki (APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur), Joel Friedlander (The Book Designer)and Penny Sansevieri (Red Hot Internet Publicity). All attendees get a copy of Guy Kawasaki’s APE when the check in at registration.

Thursday Keynote* 11:00-12:00

Penny Sansevieri What Works, and Doesn’t Work as of May, 2013 in Book Marketing

Thursday Eaglets* 12:10 to 4:55

12:10-12:15 Welcome
12:15-12:45 Judith Briles Author YOU: Creating and Building the Author and Book Platform
12:50-1:25 Amy Lang Social Media 101 for Beginners
1:30-1:40 Break
1:40-2:10 Jerusha Stewart Legal Needs for Authors & Their Business
2:15-2:50 Brian Jud Tips for Video Interviews
2:55-3:25 Bret Ridgway Product Repurposing for Maximum Book Life
3:30-3:40 Break
3:40-4:15 Carol McManus How LinkedIn Adds to Your Edge
4:20 -4:55 Hobie Hobart Covers that Brand You and Your Book


Thursday Eagles* 12:10 to 4:55

12:10-12:50 Matthew Bennett Selling Your Books by the Freakin’ Truckload
12:55-1:35 Georgia McCabe Hidden Tips & Secrets of Social Media
1:35-1:45 Break
1:45-2:20 Patti Thorn Book Reviews … the Good, Bad and the Ugly
2:25-2:55 JV Crum Your Millionaire Author Model
3:00-3:30 Steve Replin Legal Info to Keep Your from Going OFF the Edge
3:30-3:40 Break
3:40-4:20 Joan Stewart Quick and Dirty Blog Posts when You Don’t have Time
4:20-4:55 Daniel Hall Creating & Building Your Information Empire

* Eagles and Eaglets are separate a separate ticket item.

Deep Dive Dinner Workshop with Joel Friedlander 5:05-9:00
Blogging FROM the Ground Up … How to Build a Blog THAT Works!

5:05-6:45 Part I
6:45-7:15 Buffet Dinner
7:00-9:00 Part II


Friday Throughout Friday, you may (1) buy 15 minutes of a Speaker’s time for $20—all proceeds benefit the Author U Foundation and (2) have a video made with Brian Jud interviewing you for your website and YouTube channel for $50.

7:00 -8:00 Registration, Exhibits
8:00-8:30 Welcome and Opening
8:30-9:25 Guy Kawasaki Going APE Over Your Book with the Publishing Revolution
9:30-10:25 Joan Stewart Finding Reviews in Oddball Places that Rock
10:25-11:20 AM Break & Exhibits
11:20-11:45 Author Shark Tank
11:50-12:45 Daniel Hall eMail Marketing for Digital Success
12:45-1:25 Buffet Lunch
1:25-2:25 Dan Janal Why Publicity Still Works
2:30-3:30 Georgia McCabe Social Media BluePrint for Authors
3:30-4:00 PM Break & Exhibits
4:00-4:25 Author Shark Tank
4:25-5:20 Matthew Bennett Outselling the NY Times Bestsellers
5:25-6:25 Rounds with the Pros
6:30-9:30 Dinner and Entertainment Included with registration-Thin Ice Band is back–extra tickets available–make it a Date Night!


Have a good night’s rest … tomorrow is jam-packed … with the EARLY SUNRISE and COFFEE session at 7:15 am.
Be there … you don’t want to miss: How to Run Your Entire Social Media Campaign in 4 Hours a Week!


Throughout Saturday, you may (1) buy 15 minutes of a Speaker’s time for $20—all proceeds benefit the Author U Foundation and (2) have a video made with Brian Jud interviewing you for your website and YouTube channel for $50. You must sign up at Registration for times.


7:00 -8:00 Registration, Exhibits
7:15-8:00 Mary Agnes Antonopoulos EARLY SUNRISE Workshop—don’t miss this: How to Run Your Entire Social Media Campaign in 4 Hours a Week
8:00-8:15 Welcome Back!
8:15-9:05 Penny Sansavieri The Good, the Bad, the Ugly on Publishing and Book Marketing Today
9:10-10:10 Amy Collins Making Money Selling Your Book in a Whole New World with the Right Distribution
10:10-10:45 AM Break & Exhibits
11:45-11:10 Author Shark Tank
11:10-12:10 Peggy McColl Make Your Book a Best Seller Using Effective & Proven Online Marketing Techniques That Work!
12:10-1:10 Buffet Lunch
1:10-2:10 Mike O’Neil & Lori Ruff Crafting Your Unique Online Community to Create the Edge
2:15-3:15 Mark Malatestal, Anita Mumm Agents … Who, What, Where, When and Why
3:15-3:45 PM Break & Final Exhibit Last Visit
3:45-4:45 Greg Godek 1001 Ways to Sell 1,000,001 Books
4:45-5:00 Wrap-Up, Grand Prize Drawing

After Dark Do you like to laugh? Eat? Author U is going to the Comedy Improv – for $15, you a show and a lot of laughs–dinner and beverage is available onsite. We will get you from the hotel to the Improv. You MUST pre-register for this by contacting Judith Briles at

Don’t forget to pre-register for Extravaganza 2014 before you leave and get the EARLY, EARLY Bird Discount! Dates are May 1-3. Author U has a special bonus gift for you from the Keynote speaker, Mark Coker, President of Smashwords that you will receive at the Extravaganza before you leave on Saturday.


Your Investment NOW is …

$525 for Author U Members and $675 for Non-Members at the door. You may register family members or co-workers for approximately half price who are not already Author U members.

NOTE: After April 2nd, there are NO Refunds.


Author U … where authors learn how to be authors … creating and publishing books they never regret.

Count me in for the Author U Extravaganza 2013!

Location will be at The Renaissance Denver Hotel
3801 Quebec St., Denver, Colorado 80207
P. 303.399.7500 | F. 303.336.5353
Author U Group room rates are $119 through April 17th and then released.


I’m registering for EVERYTHING: Deep-Dive session w/ Joel Friedlander and May 3rd and 4th

First registration for Friday and Saturday $425 $575
Each additional $295 $375

There will be a Pre-Extravaganza Eaglet and Eagle Workshop on May 2nd from 12:00 to 4:30.

**Author U membership is $89 per year *** half price for each additional family or company attendee

Joel Friedlander Dinner Workshop $95 $135
Author Shark Tank $500 $500
Friday only $225 $275
Saturday only $190 $240
Eaglets-Newbie $55 $75
Eagles-Advance; $55 $75
Video Shoot $50 $50

Guy Kawasaki
Going APE Over Your Book … Publishing in Today’s Revolution

The author and business worlds are APE over Guy Kawasaki. He was the Chief Evangelist of Apple … he’s the author of multiple NY Times bestsellers … he’s got over 1.2 million followers on Twitter … his most recent book is APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur … and he’s the Keynote at the Author U Extravaganza. You, your book and your publishing business can’t afford to miss this amazing session. All in attendance will get a FREE copy of Guy’s latest book, APE. Guy is at

Joel Friedlander
Blogging FROM the Ground Up … How to Build a Blog THAT Works!
The author of A Self-Publisher’s Manual, graphic designer, book designer and guru of creating a blog from scratch and how to grow it to 40,000 followers in two years will deliver an extensive 4-hour Deep Dive Workshop on the late afternoon of May 2nd. Joel is a self-published author and book designer who blogs about book design, self-publishing and the indie publishing life at He runs Marin Bookworks, where he helps publishers and authors who decide to publish get to market on time and on budget with books that are both properly constructed and beautiful to read.C When you leave this workshop, you will learn how to create the Edge that Hooks Your Readers. Dinner included.

Greg Godek
Ways to Sell 1,000,001 Books
Selling over 3 million copies of his first self-published book, 1001 Ways to Be Romantic, Greg sold his independent publishing company to Source Books. He will reveal how he did it; what worked (and didn’t). Greg Godek is a marketing and strategic genius. He will share lessons from the biggest book signing tour in the history of publishing, the secrets of reverse shoplifting, and love stories and horror stories from two decades of obsessive book-writing, outrageous marketing, and incurable bibliophilia. Greg’s website is

Joan Stewart
Finding Reviews in Oddball Places that Rock

The Publicity Hound is back with a whole new round of strategies on and off the Internet that will propel you and your book to new heights. Joan teaches Publicity Hounds how to catch the attention of frazzled news directors, busy reporters and grumpy editors. Joan shows authors how to use the traditional media and social networking to establish their credibility, enhance their reputation, position themselves as experts, sell more products and services, promote a favorite cause or issue, and establish their companies as employers of choice. She knows how to create huge Twitter followings.

Penny Sansevieri
What Works, and Doesn’t Work as of May, 2013 in Book Marketing
The author of multiple books, her latest is the all new version of Red Hot Internet Publicity–a bible in your personal library. Penny is one of the key book marketing gurus in the world today. She kicks of Thursday with a hands-on perspective of what the “real” book marketing world is like as of May 2, 2013. With over 100,000 followers on Facebook and Twitter, authors listen when Penny speaks. Penny will be at the Extraganza Thursday and Friday.

Daniel Hall
eMail Marketing for Digital Success
One of the most amazing eMarketing and eMonitezing strategists is sharing his amazing depth of wisdom. Brilliant in repurposing ideas/concepts, Daniel will drop down quickly and deeply into a variety of ideas that will take you, authoring and publishing, into realms you hadn’t thought about.

Georgia McCabe
Social Media BluePrint for Authors
What’s in your blueprint wallet? Better yet, do you have one? You will after this dynamic, how-to session that will open your eyes and your minds with the array of possibilities to truly create the full scope of what today’s author needs. There are wants, but you have to begin with the needs–some you don’t know!

Carol McManus
How to Maximize Your Edge Using LinkedIn
The LinkedIn Lady has the perfect session for anyone scratching their heads–should they LinkedIn or shouldn’t they? The answer is yes … but how… what are the tricks and techniques that the beginning path needs to know about. Carol has the answers.

Dan Janal
Why Publicity Still Works
PR is PR … Learn from the Master of PR News to create the edge you need now. Dan will show you the who, what, why, where, where and how to make this all come together without falling into the money pit that is common in publicity.

Peggy McColl
Make Your Book a Best Seller Using Effective & Proven Online Marketing rechniques that Work!
The Latest and Greatest on the Amazon Bestseller Campaigns that Peggy has helped thousands through the steps. She woke up authors to the possibility of creating massive sales quickly from the comfort of your home–watching over $40,000 in “buys” happen within hours with her first campaign. You get to hear the latest on what works, what doesn’t and where the morphing is happening.

Mike O’Neil and Lori Ruff
Crafting Your Uniques Online Community to Create the Edge
Heading up Integrated Alliances, Lori and Mike are in the Top 20 LinkedIn individuals in the world. LinkedIn they know inside and out .. what many don’t know is that they know online comunity strategies that will boggle your mind.

Patti Thorn
Getting Book Reviews that Support Your Sales
Controversy has surrounded the concept of getting reviews that are paid for. Which are legit, which aren’t? How do you access where to go, and when. Patti is the managing partner of Blue Ink Reviews … there is never a guarantee of a good one … but when then occur, libraries and others are taking notice and ordering books!

Brian Jud
Creating a Video (onsite live—make them while you are at the Extravaganza!)
Videos are critical to your website and SEO status. Brian is here with camera; we’ve got a setting and you can get a video created with him interviewing as if you were a guest on his show that he produces. You get the video files email to you after the Extravaganza for whatever use you want-very cool.

Steve Replin
Legal Info to Keep You from Going OFF the Edge
Publishing and Authoring can be legally overwhelming. Steve will be sharing a variety of tips that will answer questions that every author has.

Judith Briles
Author YOU: Building and Creating Your Author and Book Platforms

Your Platforms are so much more than who follows you in social media. They are the core and essence of your vision. Get the Who, What, Where, Why, When and How from the master at creating platforms that have a deep-diving impact on you and your book’s lifespan.

Matthew Bennett
How I Sold 5,000,000 Copies … and Strategies For How You Can, Too!
Book stores aren’t Matthew Bennett’s thing–supporting others are and he has successfully made a comfortable living for his family and delivered millions of dollars to others via his books. Come learn from a guy who authored a best seller on pregnancy using his own name and how he sold mega, mega copies.

Amy Collins
2013: Making Money Selling Your Book in a Whole New World
Wearing a variety of hats is nothing new for Amy–the CEO of New Shelves, she knows book distribution, marketing–including odd-ball strategies–and has created strategies to get your book into every book store in a region, if that’s your goal. You don’t want to miss her session.

Book Agent Panel … Anita Mumm and Mark Malatesta
Selling to New York and Beyond …

A traditional publisher may be in your midst. Author U’s panel will deliver the who, what and why. Pick their Brains will be held on May 3rd. Join Anita Mumm (Nelson Literary Agency) and Mark Malatesta (Literary Agent Undercover) for an eye-opening session.

JV Crum
Your Millionaire Author Model
Who wants to be financially successful with their book? Who wants to make a meaningful difference with your message? Who wants to be a millionaire? JV Crum will show you a model that puts you on track to achieve millionaire status, he will open your mind to how to maximize your profits; how to make a difference; and how to live a life that matters !

Hobie Hobart
Covers that Brand You and Your Book
Is your cover in synch with your message? With who you are? With your overall vision? Covers count … and so does your Branding. A perfect session for the Eaglet round. Hobie is a partner in Dunn-Design and has created award winning covers for decades.

Bret Ridgway
Product Repurposing for Maximum Book Life
Does your book have a purpose? Do you know what it is? Have your thought of variations on its theme? How about creating it in different formats? You will after this session–Eaglet authors want to begin the “what if …” journey early in the authoring game.

Jerusha Stewart
Legal Needs for Authors and Their Businesses

Where do you go to get help, fast, for copyright questions, business creation, business problems, heck even your own personal stuff. Jerusha works with Legal Shield, which just might give your the answers you need for minimal dollars.

Amy Lang
Social Media 101 for Beginners
Social Media is over-whelming. And there are only so many things that any one author can absorb. This session is for anyone who is just starting down the path, or for that matter, anyone who wants to gaze at their belly button as ask, “Do I really need this stuff.” The answer will come.


Wahoo … Rounds with the Pros is Back!
Late Friday afternoon, many of Author U’s Pros and Speakers will host table rounds of 10–it’s a collective “pick their brain” or it could be a mini talk–you never know. Tables will be labeled–you have three choices and a seat that lasts for 20 minutes before you get up and move to another. If a table is full, move to another. AJ White will be our moderator.

Wahoo … Author Shark Tank … NEW!
Three HOT sessions will be available. Only ONE Extravaganza Attendee can get his or her toe in a Author Shark Tank at a time. Our panel will listen for a few minutes to your pitch (hear/read that: LISTEN) and then decide IF and HOW they will help the author in the book quest. If could be money; it could be time; it could be a product–as in I have this that I sell all day for $797 and it’s yours; it could be printing reduction; it could be a book cover; it could be a discount on a layout; it could be … What it could be will be solely dependent on YOU and YOUR PITCH to hook them and could be worth many thousands of dollars. Or if you bomb, you may only end up with a shark tooth! To enter the tank, the cost is $500. There are only 3 spots–will one be yours? This is first come, first serve basis.

Wahoo … Create a Stellar Video (spots are limited!) BONUS!
Have you wondered why celebrities being interviewed on television can look so calm when millions of people are watching them? And have you ever wondered if you could do that? At the Extravaganza you will learn how to perform on national television and radio while appearing calm and collected during the Eaglet session Thursday.

The key to any good performance is preparation. Just as actors do, media guests need to know what they are going to say during all their performances and practice their delivery of each word beforehand. Adequate preparation will make you more confident in your ability to perform and help you relax while you are on the air. At the Eaglet/Newbie session on Thursday afternoon, May 2, you will get the prep info you need.

During the Extravaganza on Friday and Saturday, you have the opportunity to make a stellar, short video. The cost is only $50—use it for your website, YouTube channel—whatever! Brian Jud will guide you through your interview and you will get the clip emailed within a week after the Extravaganza. You must sign up to participate in the video shoot—there are limited slots available Friday and Saturday, shooting times are 10-3 each day.

Wahoo … Pick Their Brains Back again, this is the time you can get a face-to-face with many of our Speakers. Throughout Friday and Saturday, we have one-on-one sessions that last 15 minutes. Have your questions ready–get a maxi-consult in mini-time for mini-bucks. Cost is $15, moneys go to the Author U Foundation which will seed the Authors Hall of Fame. You must register for Pick Their Brains onsite at the Author U Registration Desk–it’s a first come, first served basis based on availability.

Wahoo … Saturday Laugh Special at the Improv!
The Extravaganza is over. If you are staying over before heading home, or a Colorado local, we are heading to the Improv for Laughter, supper and beverage. Author U will get you there. Cost is $15 a head–for the show–you buy food and beverage. Comic Hypnotist Rich Guzzi is the star of the night: Watch as Rich invites volunteers from the audience to be hypnotized right before your eyes and then puts them into the most outrageously funny situations you can possibly imagine. No two shows are alike and you will laugh till it hurts on this non-stop roller coaster ride of comedy mayhem. Here’s a clip: If you are going, you need to register for this by April 20th. Cost is $15 … you buy your own food and drink (discounted from $17). Send an email to and put in subject line: comedy show. Author U will pre-pay for your ticket, you can pay at the Extravaganza when you check in.

Wahoo … Friday is Time to Eat, Schmooze, Party!
Author U Extravaganza’s rock and roll band rocks- fun for authors!!! See (and hear) what multi-award winning book cover and interior designer Nick Zelinger does in his spare time—it’s toe tapping, feet moving, even sign a few lines time at Author U! (Music by the Thin Ice Band – voted Colorado’s Number 1 Cover Band – 3 years running )

Wahoo … Get an Extra Ticket for the Friday Night Dinner & Band and Make It Date Night! Grab your favorite partner and attend Author U’s Dinner and Date special. The Ice Thin Band is back and ready to rock to the masses. Have a great dinner; listen to the band (voted Colorado’s #1); you may even want to sing along; or get your feet and bootie out on the dance floor. Ice Thin routinely sells out and they are the Extravaganza’s for the evening. All Friday attendees automatically have a ticket to Dinner. Bring your favorite date for only $35 … Hot!

Lead singer is our own Nick Zelinger–we will see him next year … get it on your calendar May 2-4, 2013 … great way to unwind after a jammed-packed information day.

How come the ones that work the hardest are the last to leave the party?! Author U members boogie at last year’s Extravaganza post dinner party.

Author U Welcomes its Exhibitors
for the 2013 Extravaganza!

Author Fulfillment Services
BlueInk Reviews
The Book Shepherd
Book Marketing Works
Brandt Doubleday
Casey Demchak Copywriting
Color House Graphics
Cornerstone Virtual Assistant
Editing By John
Four Colour Print Group
Georgia McCabe Social Media Sensei

Hasmark Services
Hercules Freight
Illustrating You
King Printing
Kitchen Table Writing
Legal Shield
New Shelves Distribution
NGNG Enterprises, Inc.
NZ Graphics
Pathway Book Services
PR Leads
Premium Book Marketing
Sheridan Books
Social Media Management Services
Tattered Cover Press
Total Printing Systems
WESType Publishing Services

FREE Webinar June 30th: Bublish and Book Bubble Delight! – Awesome Marketing Strategy
Jun 30 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Bublish and Book Bubbles … isn’t it time you had some FUN with your book marketing. We think so!

Join us for a webinar on Jun 30, 2016 at 4 PM Pacific, 5 PM Mountain, 6 PM Central, 7 PM Eastern


Register now!

On June 30th … meet the amazing Kathy Meis. She will deliver a “live” demo of just how a book bubble works and why they are so hot in book buzzland.

You will learn how to create book bubbles across your social media networks to find new readers and build a dynamic network brand that drives sales to your bank account.

It’s the summertime at and book marketing has never been easier.Don’t bother to pop the popcorn—you won’t have time to eat it—you will be taking notes like crazy!


Webinar Gold: Market Your Book Pre and Post Book Launch the Bublish Way!
Sep 27 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm


Webinar Gold: How To Sell Your Story To Hollywood For Big Bucks!
Dec 13 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm


Are you ready for a Hollywood Producer to teach you how to sell your STORY (or BOOK) to the Movie or TV industry? If so, you want to get registered for a webinar I’m hosting on Tuesday (and if you can’t attend live, register to get the replay): 

You will learn about:

  • The one document you MUST have in order to sell your story to Hollywood — without you’re dead in the water.
  • Why Hollywood is like a conveyor belt and ways that you can get your story to the front of the line…
  • How drawing 1 simple line can massively impact the success of your script.
  • Why having a screenplay is actually bad for most writers to have and how it can permanently ruin your chances
  • The story elements that every producer and director look for that increase your chances of successfully selling your story to Hollywood

All New Webinar: Hollywood Producer Teaches You How To Sell Your Story To The Movie Industry


    Sell to Hollywood:

How To Tell If Your Story Idea Will

Sell To Hollywood For Big Bucks

Why should you be there?

Because contrary to what you might believe it’s never been easier to sell your story or novel to Hollywood and see your story come to life on the big screen.

Not only that but my business partner and webinar presenter Ken Atchity is a world renown and bonafide movie producer as well as a literary agent with many New York Times bestselling authors among his bevy of clients.

If you’ve ever dreamed of making your story into a movie – this is truly is your lucky day – register for this free event here… : 

To the Point: Ken knows what sells in Hollywood and more importantly HOW TO sell stories to the entertainment industry.

Date:  Tuesday, December 13th
Time: 4 PT, 5 MT, 6 CT, 7 ET
Where: Anywhere your computer is

In fact, when you register you’ll also discover:

  • Why TODAY it’s easier than ever to sell your story to Hollywood… but it must contain certain elements that most authors are oblivious to… you’ll get in the inside track during this training
  • The counter-intuitive path from taking an idea to a book to a New York Times bestseller to sold a story in Hollywood production.
  • Why so many novelists fail to ever sell one of their books to Hollywood… and how you can avoid their mistakes
  • Master producing the key document that actually sells a story to Hollywood (hint: it’s not a book)
  • The “tune-up” most stories need before they will sell to Hollywood
  • Plus, much more…

If you’ve ever dreamed of seeing your story on the big (or small) screen this is a must-attend event. Register NOW (if you can’t attend, register to get the replay):


signature - Judith TRN

P.S. Ken Atchity has produced many films you may know like “Life or Something Like It” with Angelina Jolie,

“Joe Somebody” with Tim Allen, “Hysteria” with Maggie Gyllenhaal, “Expatriate” with Aaron Eckhart and “The Lost Valentine” with Betty White  among many, many others… 

Ken is the real deal… and this is a fantastic opportunity to learn from a true Hollywood insider… even if you have to change your plans you should definitely be there live.


Get ready for the Author Marathon Webinar Derby! We have a FULL WEEK of goodies for you …
Jan 2 @ 2:55 pm – 3:55 pm

Get ready to receive the Perfect Gift for yourself; your book, your authoring success all week!

This week, and this week only, the AuthorU Elves have picked the best of the best … an exclusive one time only Re-run of our top Webinars with their discounted offerings on ‘live’ through New Year’s Day. It’s an Author Marathon Webinar Derby!

From now until midnight on January 1, you have the opportunity to listen and view each any time, any day, a total of 7 excellent information packed webinars.

Join Judith Briles as she hosts Joan Stewart for Soaring with a Hot Media Kits and Creating Press Kits that Hook the Media’s Eye; Amy Collins for Getting Your Book into Libraries and Selling to Independent Book Stores; Daniel Hall with the How-tos of Creating High Profit Info Products and Morphing Your Book to Say Hello Hollywood; and Kathy Meis’ Bublish Delight.

Below is the link to each Webinar Replay. Remember: all are available from now through midnight January 1 … then they go away.

From Joan Stewart,

Creating Press Kits that Hook the Media’s Eye July 20 Replay page:
Soaring with a Hot Media Kits June 8 Replay page:


From Kathy Meis,

Bublish Delight

Note to all: The code date at the end of the webinar on the slides has been reactivated and will carry the January 1 deadline.


From Amy Collins,

Getting Your Book into Libraries

Selling to Independent Book Stores


From Daniel Hall


How-tos of Creating High Profit Info Products

Morphing Your Book to Say Hello Hollywood or


Come to the 7th Annual AuthorU Etravaganza
Aug 7 @ 3:31 pm – 4:31 pm

Register before the rates jump $100 and Register for the hotel. Your food and registration are $397 for members; the hotel room rate is $105. Both are a bargain in the publishing and hospitality markets. AuthorU is one of the unique conferences that feeds the brain and the belly. You get plenty of time to interact with the speakers; network; make new author friends. This year, a full breakfast kicks it off on Thursday morning sponsored by Total Printing Systems. You will be introduced to the “who’s who in publishing services” … and encouraged to create a time slot to see how each one will make your book be the best it can be.

Mark the dates: September 7-9th right here in Denver, Colorado—a great time to visit our beautiful state. Below is the FULL Agenda. Lots to do. Get Your Seats NOW:









2018 Judith Briles SPEAKING Unplugged Boot Camps in Colorado @ Doubletree Hotel
Nov 9 – Nov 10 all-day

Speaking Unplugged Session in 2018:
November 9-10

Would you like to know how powerful you, your book and experiences are and how they can influence and change others one word at a time? Would you like to turn your book, your ideas, your mouth into a business that creates a lifestyle woven with travel, fun, global friends and financial success?

You can with the smart and savvy strategies, you will reveal in this interactive and fun intensive workshop. With over 35 years of speaking on the platform, Dr. Judith Briles will show you how to become a successful professional speaker … a speaker that will soar your book sales. Since the 80s, speaking has been her #1 way to sell books … over 1,000,000 of them!

Would you like to turn the book you have or are creating into a money machine that cements your expertise and authoring success?

Would you be willing to trade just TWO days to get all the how-to and strategies from someone who spent over 35 years on the speaking platform … someone who generated in excess of $5,000,000 in combined speaking fees and book sales that will be generated directly from speaking gigs? You can …

Don’t delay: 2017 Boot Camps were SOLD OUT!

Your guide and mentor for these 2 awesome days is Dr. Judith Briles, the author 35 books, publishing expert and radio host. Plus an opportunity for an extra day post the Unplugged Bootcamp.

There  are two-weekend dates for 2018:

November 9-10, 2018
                           will change your authoring life 

Site:  Doubletree Hotel Denver-Aurora, CO

For Hotel Reservations:

Experience two days of Judith … NO pitches to buy other “stuff”, just Judith Briles Speaking Unplugged delivering an amazing depth of speaking and marketing information that she has derived from her 35 plus years as a professional speaker that has taken her to 12 countries—from Finland to Brazil and all 50 states.

Are you ready to create the speech that will get you booked and re-booked … get the answers to the questions you have … all of them? Judith is the master book publishing coach and guide.

Reserve Your Spot NOW
for 2 Colorful Brain-Jammed Days, including meals.

  • How to develop your topic … start with your book then expand to create a portfolio of options for meeting planners to select from or add-on to an already booked gig.
  • How to structure your speech or create a workshop … one that is uniquely you and will make you the buzz of any conference.
  • How to identify your key points … and hook in the right story, activity or exercise to engage your audience.
  • How to create stories based on your life experiences that will engage an audience … that can have them rolling in the aisles or shedding a tear.
  • How to tie in current events with your presentation … create a local hook that will connect with attendees.
  • How to know when to use multi-media … and what to do if it goes wrong.
  • How to structure your first words … whether it’s a story, statistics, an event connected with the group or something else—tips on how to instantly connect with any audience.
  • How to create a memorable opening or closing … that will leave your audience laughing, crying or thinking—but never just leaving them.
  • How to avoid the Blunders, Bloopers, and Boo-Boos  that most speakers—newbies and old-timers make.
  • How to identify and create your Unique Selling Pitch to any meeting planner … what will make you shine and rise above the speaker crowd?
  • How to create the visuals to enhance your presentationaudiences are visible—you will learn how to use cartoons, words and essential elements to spark up any presentation.
  • How to deal with snafus and presentations that aren’t working … it happens; not every audience is ideal or presentation perfect.
  • How to find groups that want your message … and will enthusiastically cheer for you and want you back.
  • How to move from free to fee … and make a living by using your words and your mouth.
  • How to negotiate contracts … and get “soft money” for no fee gigs.
  • How to create your “unique” position … work with a SWOT Analysis designed for you and your book.
  • How to create an AWESOME Speaker-Book One-Sheet 
    you need one that shouts you out … it’s brag time to hook meeting planners and attendees.

WAIT … WAIT … there’s MORE! You have the opportunity to book one day within three months of your Judith Briles Speaking Unplugged Bootcamp for a One-on-One in person in her offices or via Skype if you are out of the area. You will get laser coaching dissecting your speech, your stories … your “whatever” that evolves from the Unplugged session you attended. Your cost for this is $1,250, a reduction from her 6-hour fee of $2,750 and only available to Unplugged participants.  



Registration Options (November 9-10, 2018)

ALUMNI $297.00: Year Attended



  • If you want to open up your creativity channels … you will love the exercises Judith walks everyone through.

  • If you want to create a speech that uses the key elements of your book and expertise … you will learn insider tips on how to and how to niche yourself into “your” market.

  • If you want to be Pitch Perfect … it’s the way to sell your book, and few authors succeed. You will now.

  • If you want to master social media tricks that will allow you to breathe … you will learn and see exactly how to create a life beyond your computer. Judith selects several books for attendees and will demonstrate and position them for a marketing blitz you won’t believe in front of your eyes!

  • If you want to know tricks of the social media marketing whirlwind … you will learn which platforms work best for which books and how to drill down into them.

  • If you haven’t done a Speaking GamePlan around your book, you will (or will revisit what you thought your GamePlan was) … and discover amazing “ahas” along the way about both You and Your Book.

  • If you want to make serious money as an author, you will come away with the how-to strategies that are doable.

  • If you stumble along on how to pitch yourself, you won’t any longer–tips and techniques plus create the ideal script to roll out who and what you will bring to participants at events in less than 30 seconds.

  • If you want “e” shortcuts to use for your speaking marketing, you will get plenty of fast-track tips to use.

  • If … what are your “IFs”? … there will be hot seats throughout the two days.  
    ALL participants take the hot seat and get immediate laser coaching from Judith. How cool is that?


Get ready to experience a “different” bootcamp … it is not just another conference where you sit in your seat and take notes—expect extraordinary high interaction, plenty of “to-do” Activities—you will not only listen and hear Dr. Judith Briles, The Book Shepherd; you will see demonstrations of how she does it in her own speaking; AND you will immediately implement what she says. PLUS, you will get live laser coaching. Judith believes in feeding your brain and your belly—you will be fed.

 What it is, is your next, next step to authoring success.
Be there. You and Your Book can’t afford not to be.

Call Judith, determine if this is the “right fit” for you and your book now.
Call 303-885-2207 or email Don’t delay.



Registration Options (November 9-10)

ALUMNI $297.00: Year Attended


REGISTER NOW by calling 303-885-2207 — get the EARLY Bird pricing of $547 by January 31st for MARCH and  September 11th for NOVEMBER. Why not commit now and pay a little each quarter?

For Hotel Reservations:

Are you an Alumni? Special rates for Alumni are reduced to $297

Rates will increase on September 30th to $997 for the NOVEMBER session. Judith has a payment plan if desired, just call the office at 303-885-2207.

In other words,
your life as an author will morph.

Judith Briles Speaking Unplugged delivers extraordinary high interaction, plenty of “to-do” Activities and Hot Seats—

you will not only listen and hear The Book Shepherd, you will immediately implement what she says. As the author of 36 books (two more are in the works!), many best-selling and award-winning, she has presented to audiences as small as 16 and as large as 5,000.

It is your next, next step to credibility and speaking success.

If that’s your goal, be there. You and Your Book can’t afford not to. Save these two days in 2018 … and 2017 was sold out–don’t wait:

November 9 – 10 
 days that will change your author life. Who better to captain your journey than Author and Publishing Expert, Dr. Judith Briles?

Early Bird Registration ends on September 30th … your cost is $547  … it increases $450 on October 1st  to $997 – additional registrations with the same party are $397 up to October 15th and $797 until the last day of the month prior to the Unplugged date.

Remember: Judith has a payment plan if desired, just call the office to set it up at 303-885-2207.

If you are a Last Minute registrant, you will pay $1,297 … that means from November 1st until Judith Briles Speaking Unplugged starts.

BONUS: On Saturday, there will be complimentary neck and shoulder massages throughout the day.

All meals during sessions included PLUS extensively detailed workbook.

Location and Hotel Reservations:


Doubletree Hotel Denver Aurora: 13696 E Iliff Pl, Aurora, CO 80014 (303) 337-2800

Special Room Rate: $109 for attendees, includes FULL Breakfast PLUS Adult beverages and snacks in the Evening. Judith’s Tip: Stay at the hotel, even if you are a local … she is. It’s a great time to connect, schmooze, have fun … and continue what happened from 8.30 to 5 with co-attendees. Guaranteed, it’s a mini-break and makes a difference with your take-aways when you are fully immersed in the process.

Lunch included each day.

Stay “in the moment” so her teachings and strategies will begin to imprint versus being pulled back to the office and your personal surroundings.

Colorado … our Falls are spectacular in Colorado and most likely, snow shouldn’t be a factor in Denver. Spring is something else … sometimes snow; sometimes a little rain; sometimes lots of sun.




Note … breakfast is only for those who are registered at the hotel. I’m staying there and checking in on Thursday afternoon.

There will be coffee/tea onsite and throughout our sessions plus lunch each day …

Workshop Times: Each morning starts at 8.30 AM. Days will end at 4.30 PM.  On the 1st night–Friday, there is an after session casual soiree–an excellent schmooze and noshing time. Dress should be comfy. It’s wise to have a sweater–temps can very in our room.

If you are FLYING: Denver International Airport (DIA-Denver) is your destination.

Workshop Times: 8:30 to 4:30 each day. On the 1st night–Thursday, there is an after session soiree that is a great schmooze and noshing time.



Registration Options (Nov 9-10)

ALUMNI $297.00: Year Attended


Register now by calling 303-885-2207 — get the EARLY Bird pricing of $547 by September 30th … why not commit now and pay a little each quarter? Rates will increase on October 1st to $997 session. Judith has a payment plan if desired, just call the office at 303-885-2207. 


~~~~Cancellation Policy: No Refunds after October 10th for the November Unplugged. Prior to that, there will be a $200 cancellation fee.

Thank you! The Speaking Unplugged Bootcamp was amazing, very helpful, and filled with valuable information. I have much to percolate on in regard to my speeches. I have already begun to look at them differently, with new ideas.
-Trish Humenansky-Laub

I really enjoyed the 2-day Package. Small intimate setting—the Hot Seats were great. My #1 aha was on how use a story to lead into my key talk on diversity. Sign me up—I’m coming back!
-Andi Sue Phillips
DeEmphasizing Diversity

I liked the comprehensive structure of the two days along with how to turn stories into an engaging opening—how to make them come alive.
Heather Elliott
Same Sh*t, Different Day

Great job! The first thing I’m going to do is update my current presentation and start using stories that I never considered before. What I learned in the first two hours exceed my registration fee!

Jeannette Seibly

I enjoyed it all. Loved the interaction and learned from the examples. My takeaway: I can do this!
-Sue Miller
My Life Rearranged

What an amazing depth of actionable information. The information on how to structure contracts and fees was invaluable—the first thing I’m going to do is refine and define stories. I now know which direction to take.

-Melody Jones
Social Media Expert

Invaluable! Being able to get in front of a group and practice telling my story was the perfect landing for me.
-Maddy Tomoren

Ideas! Lots and lots of ideas: speaking, writing, marketing, and website. My #1 aha was going through the speaker website review and what is needed. I never thought about a grabber line. Sign me up for your next event!
-Mary Salas
Financial Planner

Learning how to develop speaking topics and weaving in stories was extremely helpful. Thank you. I learned lots that I can immediately use.
-Suzanne Simpson

“Dr. Judith Briles provided the exact information our authors needed to elevate their platforms and hone their marketing plans. Whether you’re just starting out on your marketing journey or a published pro, I strongly recommend using Dr. Briles’ wisdom to elevate your promotion skills to the next level.”

-Brooke Hartman 
President & Conference Chair, Alaska Writers Guild


30 PLUS Sizzling HOT Publishing, Marketing and Author Success TIPS
Jun 24 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

On MONDAY, June 24 (7 ET, 6 CT, 5 MT, 4 PT) … 30 awesome and Hot Publishing Ahas and Tips from six amazing publishing pros: Sandy Lawrence, Judith Briles, Daniel Hall, Amy Collins, Rebecca Finkel, Kelly Johnson, and Ashlee Bratton. Plus we always throw in a few more that you won’t want to miss! 

What author and writer don’t want savvy insider tips and ahas on publishing, publicity, book marketing, book design, making money on your book and the latest awesome gizmos and gadgets authors can use? 

Don’t bother to pop the popcorn–you won’t have time to eat it–you will be taking notes like crazy! 

AND … Make sure you register even if you can’t attend the LIVE presentation … you will automatically get the replay the next day. 

Get it on your calendar: 
MONDAY, June 24th (4 PT, 5 MT, 6 CT, 7 ET) 

Register here:

Note: your registration will add your name and email to our preferred emailing list.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Create a Guaranteed Way to POP with the Workbook Wealth Webinar
Jun 16 @ 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm

Hey Authors: Create a Workbook that POPS Webinar

When it comes to having a Workbook based on your material and expertise, the benefits are significant. How about increased engagement, more referrals, happy customers, and money flowing your way?

Successful marketers have a way of interacting with their customers, clients, and potential customers: they have things like groups and email marketing to keep in touch with their fans and subscribers.

What VERY FEW, but ultra-successful marketers, have are interactive workbooks to keep engaged with their audience.

Why not you?


Now, you can create workbooks quickly where they can help others navigate through your sage advice, wisdom, and how-to strategies with:

  • Checklists
  • cheat sheets
  • interactive notes and ideas
  • logs
  • journal entries

Get registered–it’s a freebie webinar on Tuesday, June 16th at 4 pm Mountain Time to learn the tips, tricks, and strategies to creating a Workbook. Plan on 90 minutes.


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


30 Sizzling Tips for Authors
Sep 7 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

The 2022 Publishing at Sea Faculty Delivers 30 Author, Cyber, Publishing and Techie Tips in 60 Minutes.

Grab your paper, pencils, and popcorn for a fast hour that will cover ahas and insights for your author success. The 2022 Publishing at Sea Faculty–Ashlee Bratton, Derek Doepker, Rebecca Finkel, Danielle Hampson, Kelly Johnson, Charles Breakfield, Rox Burkey, Charlie Tlapa, and Judith Briles will deliver 30 author, cyber, publishing, and techie tips that will have you doing a happy dance.

It’s a freebie. We start on time 5 pm Mountain (7 ET, 6 CT, 4 PT) September 07. It will be recorded … and ALL registrants will get the recording the next day.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. A reminder will go out the day before and an hour before we start.

Register HERE

Webinar: Get registered for the Taste of Extravaganza
Mar 15 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Get Ready for the TASTE of the AUTHOR YOU EXTRAVAGANZA happening next month, April 8-10! 


Oh yes … it’s a Sneak Preview! Get ready to jump on the inside of what’s coming to the all NEW AuthorYOU Extravaganza that will be in the beautiful Colorado in the Metro Denver area. Only attend a Taste of the AuthorYOU Extravaganza online summit if:

  • you want to outsell and outshine most authors
  • you want to connect with national publishing pros
  • you want to learn insider tips for 2022 and beyond book marketing
  • you want to be the webinar star presenter in your expertise
  • you want swag that lures in book buyers
  • you want to know the latest in copyrights and as the IP world turns
  • you want covers and interiors that exceed what most authors create
  • you want to learn about author tools that work
  • you want to be seriously successful as an author

REGISTER NOW for A Taste of the AuthorYOU Extravaganza—you will be notified when the REPLAY is available

Starting at 3 p.m. until 5.30 p.m. MOUNTAIN TIME  on Tuesday, March 15th, JOIN John Kremer (Book Marketing Expert), Barb Wilson (Editor and Craft of Writing Expert), Nick Zelinger (Book Covers and Interior Design Expert), Julie Bernard (IP Expert), Richard Rieman (Audiobook Expert), Mara Purl (Fiction Writing Expert), Rebecca Finkel (Book Covers, Interior Design, eBook, Swag Expert), and hosted by Judith Briles (The Book Shepherd and Book Publishing Expert).

Each will share a variety of tips that only the Extravaganza insider track will get at the April event. AND … for all who pre-register for the AuthorYOU extravaganza, each will receive bonuses that are normally paid for FREE valued at over $1,000.

Get ready to Create Your Author and Publishing Breakthroughs … starting NOW!

The AuthorYOU Extravaganza dates are Thursday, April 7th.  The event will be led by a special Intensive: reveal of the mysteries of the 9-Cube Plotting Technique with Barb Wilson. Friday is a LONG day, ending with dinner and a delightful comedy show. Saturday starts with a SUNRISE program and ends shortly afternoon.

REGISTER NOW for A Taste of the AuthorYOU Extravaganza and to get REPLAY

And put a HOLD on your calendar and plan on attending the full AuthorYOU Extravaganza April 7 – 9 in beautiful Colorado … think of it as the ultimate author retreat!



30 Sizzling HOT Publishing and Book Ahas and Tips
Sep 20 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

On Tuesday, September 20th (3 PT, 4 MT,6 CT, 6 ET) … 30 Hot Publishing Ahas and Tips from seven amazing publishing pros: Judith Briles, Derek Doepker, Mara Purl, Rebecca Finkel, Ashlee Bratton, Kelly Johnson, and Bobby Crew. Plus, we have a sizzling #31-35 that you won’t want to miss!

What author and writer doesn’t want savvy insider tips and ahas on publishing, publicity, book marketing, making money on your book, and the latest awesome gizmos and gadgets authors can use?

Don’t bother to pop the popcorn—you won’t have time to eat it—you will be taking notes like crazy!

Get it on your calendar:

TUESDAY, September 20 (3 PT, 4 MT,6 CT, 6 ET)

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Register now!


ONLINE-Covers, Interiors, and Marketing… from the view of book designers
Nov 5 @ 8:00 am – 10:00 am

Covers, Interiors, and Marketing… from the view of book designers

Award-winning book designers Rebecca Finkel and Nick Zelinger join forces (for the first time!) to give you an in-depth look at the successes and missed opportunities of cover and book design. Including tips about print, digital, and audio projects as well as producing effective collateral marketing pieces.

You’ll discover:

  1. Effective ways to brand you and your book(s).
  2. All things SWAG. How it can help sell your book.
  3. Insight into creative ways to produce unique marketing materials.
  4. And so much more.

Rebecca Finkel, F+P Graphic Design, with over 30 years of experience, specializes in creating award-winning books and interiors—then transforming them into fantastic eBooks.

Nick Zelinger, NZ Graphics, with over 30 years of experience and over 100 book awards, produces award-winning books and dynamic marketing materials.

ONLINE meeting starts at 8:00 A.M and goes to 10.00 A.M. MDT

AuthorYOU Members:  $30   

Nonmembers: $50