Smart Authors Stay Visible

Don’t assume book buyers are going to find you … you have to go to “them”, don’t wait for the phone to ring. Brand everything you do and become the expert in your marketplace; use GoogleAlerts; follow Blogs and Twitter accounts and make comments when appropriate; write articles that tie in with your book and place them on the Internet as well as in newsletters and magazines that your “crowd” reads or has a membership with; and, be generous—don’t be afraid to use your book as a calling card … meaning that you give it to people that you know who will spread the word (or hire you to speak).

By the time you’ve got your book in your hands, you will have your own list of “Note to self: next time, don’t do this …” We know the journey, compiling our own lists along the way. You will make mistakes, we all do. The key is to learn, and not repeat.

Source: Show Me About Book Publishing by Judith Briles, Rick Frishman, John Kremer