Dec 17 AuthorYOU Circles

Dec 17 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

The HOT coffee and tea are ready. The questions are: Has your book and writing joined the Holiday crowds … tucked into packages as gifts, ready to delight the recipient … or is it snug in a carton waiting for winter to thaw before reaching out for sales? It’s time to turn up the winter heat.


We authors love the Holidays — let’s gather for an end of the year celebration of fabulous ideas shared and strategize to come out of the New Year with an implementation plan to make it the best ever.

AS ALWAYS, All gatherings start with a flip chart and a question: what do you need? The morning is then off … who knows what paths it will take …

Is there a book in the works? Are you stuck? Curious about the various publishing options? Ask your questions … AND participate. The value of the group is to give, not just take.

The Author YOU participants are true masterminds. The Circles created with expand your projects and the breadth of your success. If you want to make your book happen … here’s the inner circle that has ideas and experience to kick start it, goose it and just get the launch started.  Your answers are in the room.

There is no charge except your “fee” is to bring a healthy snack to share, your ideas, questions, an open mind and meet other authors. No question goes unanswered! –come at 9, stay til noon–

Register: email Judith directly that you are coming:

Warning: if you are a “no-show,” you get two passes; after two misses, future participation will be based on availability.

Judith Briles
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